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Aries Rising

In 2025, opportunity is to be experienced with communication, networking, correspondence, writing, and your working environment with Jupiter in your 3rd house sector. Travel, mostly short trips, is also highlighted and to be thoroughly enjoyed. Feeling more optimistic will improve your life.

Still, there is much work to be done behind-the-scenes with Saturn in your 12th house. It’s worth the effort as a new, exciting future awaits you with Pluto in Aquarius in your 11th house of the hopes, goals, and dreams. New acquaintances could be instrumental in your success.

Uranus in the sign of Taurus in your 2nd house sector is influencing your finances in a different direction that may inspire or cause stress depending on how diligent you are. In July for four months Uranus will be in Gemini, sparking new ideas and unexpected publicity.

Starting in June, Jupiter will venture into Cancer, your 4th house sector, promoting home improvements and a possible move. You will benefit from a more positive outlook on life the second half of the year.

Neptune journeying into Aries the tail end of March until late October, encourages new idealistic goals that may change your life for many years. What you visualize may become your reality. It will not be without some work as Saturn joins Neptune late May until the end of August.

Mercury will be retrograde March 15th to April 7th, July 18th to August 11th, and November 9th to November 29th. It is best to avoid starting anything new, beware of misunderstandings, and hold off on making important decisions.  Much can be accomplished as well as enjoyed this year.

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