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Scorpio Rising

At the start of 2025, Jupiter in your 8th house sector of partnerships, financial dealings, and personal growth will prompt you to capitalize upon investments and joint ventures. Expansive opportunities can improve your monetary position. As you are feeling good, look for avenues that rejuvenate your mental, physical, and spiritual outlook.

Both Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, your 5th house sector, will limit your enjoyment of leisurely activities and speculative gain, but not for long. Neptune will venture into Aries in late March until late October influencing your 6th house sector of health and well-being. Is it time for a more healing or wholistic approach? Saturn moving into Aries to join Neptune will bring added discipline to any health regiment.

Uranus causing inconsistencies and disruptions with relationships will find more stability by April. After the first week of July for four months Uranus will enter Gemini, your 8th house sector, bringing surprising personal growth experiences and new financial investments. Be careful of becoming too scattered. Trust your intuition.

Pluto, now permanently in Aquarius and your 4th house sector of the home, encourages you to bring new ideas into your living space. If a move is in order, it’s for the better.

The second half of the year Jupiter moves into Cancer, your 9th house sector of networking, higher-mined learning, and travel. This is an excellent time to expand your education, connect with others, and enjoy a terrific trip.

Mercury will be retrograde March 15th to April 7th, July 18th to August 11th, and November 9th to November 29th. It is best to avoid starting anything new, beware of misunderstandings, and hold off on making important decisions.

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